Re: TI-85 CBL Protocol for Robotics???
Re: TI-85 CBL Protocol for Robotics???
Jonathan, I look at it this way:
-- Most small robots use some microcontroller such as an 8051
variant, or a PIC.
-- There must be some significant mechanical design / build using
various DC / Servo / Stepper motors that can be controlled by the
microcontroller. (R/C Servos at $10 apiece seem very useful for
both control/steering and motor drive when modified to have no stops).
-- usually some variety of sensors (Optical / Infrared / Sonar) need
to be interfaced.
-- AND, usually there needs to be some significant work and expense for
a decent human interface.. At least some LCD display and buttons or
keyboard, and some nonvolatile storage for higher-level programs.
It seems to me that:
- The basic mechanical and interfacing / drivers is unavoidable (and a lot
of fun and interesting work!).
- The simple low-level microcontroller can be a $10 to $20 PIC or '51 type.
- The TI-81/82 calculator seems like a good platform for the human interface
and higher-level programming. ALSO, there is a cool potential to do an IR
or RF link between the calculator and the robot, as a second-level project.
Then you can sit on the couch, program the robot, and annoy the cats...
..Still at the fantasy stage, but growing. The suggestions from all you
people are very interesting and informative.
Terry King
..In The Woods in Vermont