Re: .86P file structure


Re: .86P file structure

Tucker <> skrev i artiklen
> Does anyone know of any files telling the structure of .8xP files? I
> viewed a few in a hex editor, and some look like I was editing it
> directly on my calc, others have seemingly random characters thrown in.
I don't have a hex-editor so I'm not sure, but I do know that it's
impossible to open programs in Connect85 if they are tokenised. Try to send
the program to your calc, edit it there, exit the editor and send it back
to the computer once again, without running it on the calc. What does it
look like know?

When the calc runs a program it's translated into some kind of assembly,
possibly making it unreadable to your hex editor. That's why there is a
delay when you run a program for the first time too.

Hope this helps you - Kasper Vibe Grevsen

By the way: Do you know of a program like Connect-85, which could be used
with my TI-86? How do I make a romdump (my computer freezes when I try with
Rom dumper 2.2 - is it because I have a homemade serial link instead of the
GraphLink cable?

Follow-Ups: References: