Graph Link BETA for Macintosh G3 for TI-82, 83, 85, 92


Graph Link BETA for Macintosh G3 for TI-82, 83, 85, 92

Beta versions of Graph Link for TI-82, 83, 85, and 92, with support for
Macintosh G3 are available at

These beta versions have been tested on G3 desktop machines.  Preliminary tests
show that this software will also run on G3 Powerbooks.  We expect that this
software will also run on pre-G3 Macs.  However, testing for those machines is
not complete.

Graph Link for the TI-73, TI-89, and TI-92 Plus is being designed to run with
G3 machines.  Graph Link 2 for Macintosh G3, with TI-86 support, will be coming

Best regards,

>  From: Tom Green <tgreen@SCNC.LISD.K12.MI.US>, on 9/5/98 8:55 AM:
>  I have tryed unsuccessfully to link several different types of G3 with
>  TI-83s.  I have tryed several suggestion (change port, extensions off) etc
>  with no luck.  I believe G3 Macs are not supported at least for the TI-83
>  software.
>  Anyone with a magic bullet, I need to link!!
>  Tom Green, Director
>  Hillsdale-Lenawee-Monroe Math/Science Center
>  2345 N. Adrian Hwy
>  Adrian, Mi 49221
>  517-265-1668
>  email:
