Re: ti-83 or ti-89?
Re: ti-83 or ti-89?
In article <CALC-TI%1998090100330515@PEACH.EASE.LSOFT.COM>,
Ray Kremer <raykremer@HOTMAIL.COM> wrote:
> >i wouldnt really worry at all about the 89 becoming all that popular since
> >it is is a 92 in a smaller package. how many people do you know who have a
> > i know two.
> You're obvoiusly not in college. Lots of people use the 92 after high
> school.
> >and for the price, of the 89, i think that more people may go for
> >the 86, or 83.
> It's only $30 more then the 86, which is a far sight better than the price
> of the 92. I used to recommend the 86 over the 92, but now I support the
> 86 and 89 equally.
> >i bought an 86 in july, after i heard about the new ti-89
> >coming out.
> I bought an 86 recently, too, which does prove it won't go out of style.
> My choice was a personal preference for the 8x interface.
> >its really not all that great. it wont make any of our favourite
> >calcs obsolete anytime soon.
> It really is all that great, but you're right, it won't make the other calcs
> obsolete.
I think part of the reason some people don't like the ti 92 is that it is so
big and it has a qwerty key board. Those 2 things make it hard to use in
tests. However the ti89 seems to offer the features that I liked in the
hp-48 (symbolic manipulation etc.) but in a more user friendly interface.
And smaller size makes it test friendly. I for one am looking forward to
owning one. I've owned and used three graphing calculators the ti85 the
sharp 9300c and the hp48g. Of these three the 9300c was easiest to use
because of its equation view interface but it did not have basic features
such as simultaneous equations solver, the hp48 was loaded with features but
was so difficult to use that even after a month of regular use I still
couldn't use with the speed required for a test, the ti 85 was a good
compromise it had the features I had to have and was reasonably easy to use.
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