Re: Differences between 92 and 89?
Re: Differences between 92 and 89?
On Tue, 8 Sep 1998 20:47:15 -0500, "Mathew Ryden" <>
>>>8. Anything else I should be concerned with or aware of about getting a 89
>>>or 92?
>>I think you've about covered it. Realise that the 89 is a much better deal
>>than the 92 or 92+, unless you really really need geometry or a qwerty
>The 89 right now isn't really finished. They have some bugs in the OS, and
>assembly doesn't work right now.
Eh? What are some of the bugs you've noticed? And being that TI hasn't
released any asm information yet, how have you been able to do
anything asm-related yet? (Ehh, it's late. What I mean is, how've you
determined that the assembly doesn't work yet?)