Re: TI-89 vs. TI-86


Re: TI-89 vs. TI-86

I would reccomend using the 86, your teacher is most likely experienced
in using a 85 or an 86, so he would be able to help you with any problem
you have much better than if you had an 86.  The 86 will be good enough
for the calculus class too, as I understanfd it, thats the class they
were designed for.

On Mon, 7 Sep 1998 07:05:57 GMT Adam Blitstein <sled_driver@HOTMAIL.COM>
>Hi. Right now I am a student taking Algebra II/Trig and I am looking
>for a graphing calculator. I am planning on take Calculus, so I want
>to buy something that i won't need to trash and buy a new one next
>year. So I was wondering which would be better for me, the TI-89 or
>the TI-86? Also, any recomendations would be appreiciated. Thanks

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