Re: TI-89 Availability?


Re: TI-89 Availability?

Le Wed, 02 Sep 1998 11:57:57 +0200, Laurent Deniau
<> icrivait:

>> I'm rather confused concerning the distribution of the TI-89's.  Do some
>> of you already have one?  Where did you get it?  I heard all Staples were
>> supposed to have it last week, but Holland, MI doesn't.  Calculators,
>> Inc. is supposed to carry them, but they said they were out and would not
>> be in until mid-September.  I've been told the 89 is already available in
>> France?  What's the story here?
>Where in France, I'm very interested...

I've seen a ti-89 in Paris at this address:

Maubert Electronique
49, Blvd St Germain
75005 Paris

  Michel Pinquier (perso.) (prof.)
  ICQ 11660399
