help....too hard to understand Z80 programming


help....too hard to understand Z80 programming


I am having difficulties with Z80 programming....please help me....
...........<plese see ASCII text attachment>


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Microprocessor Miniproject
      (Group A & B)


To give and provide students with:
1. understanding or writing programs in assembly language
2. understanding the various aspects of programming
3. understanding the use of automatic assembly tools
4. knowledge and experience of interfacing techniques
5. understanding on application of microprocessor and microcomputer.


This miniproject consists of two parts hardware and software,
For the hardware part, students are required to use the Apiication Board that is already
built with various circuits.  These circuits can be connected to the Z80 PIO (via a
connector cable provided).  Prograrms can be written on the Z8O trainer to interact with
these circuits.  Please refer to Application Board Experiment Manual MPF I -B to leam
the various exjrhple programs.  Refer also to the Microelectronics Application Module
User Manual for the specifications.

For the software part, students are required to write an assembly language prograrn that
will run on the ZSO trainer following the given requirements or problems.  Students
should use the assembler in debugging and testing the program.

The use of monitor subroutines n the trainer unit is required, hence prior to writing the
software, learn how to use these subroutines first.  The subroutines are SCAN, SCAN 1,
HEX, HEX7SG, TONE and TONEI.  Examples of the usage of these subroutines can be
found in the ZSO user manual.

This miniproject is required to be done in groups of 2 to 3 students per group.

The mark will be given based on the understanding of the hardware circuitry, writing of
program (software) and report writing.

Report must include among others-, the following topics:.
I . Title and objectives
2.  Background of project
    - i/o Programming basics
    - Hardware (find out the exact circuit diagram and its operation)
    - Software (algorithm, flowchart)
3.  Testing of program and result
4.  Discussions and Conclusions
5.  Appendix
    - full circuit diagram
    - full software listing


Last date of submission is 24 October 1998.  Each group is advised not to wait until the
last minute to submit.  The whole group will be required to present their mini project with
complete report not later than this date and may subject to question and answer session.
Any member of the groupp that is not present during this presentation will be given 0


Keyless Entry System

Develop a program for the Z80 using the MicroProfessor Monitor system and monitor
subroutines that would allow you to design a keyless entry system.  It needs a three digit
combination to open a door.  The programmer must enter the code before letting other
users to try to enter it.  If the user entet'the code corr6ctly, display 'OPEN' and the LEDs
on the -Application board will be lit to indicate the door can be opened.  Other wise,
display 'ERROR'.  A maximum of three trials are allowed after which an alarm will be
