Re: T-89/92 Solver?
Re: T-89/92 Solver?
Try the Application Numeric Solver.
Press [APPS] 9
I'm not sure what you mean by "Log", is this base 10 or base e?
The TI-89 and TI-92+ plus does not have a base 10 key like the TI-85 and TI-86's
have. If you want log base 10 use a change of base formula:
Good Luck
G. Wardall
>I am trying to solve the following equation:
>Given Re, e, d, can the Ti-89/92 solve this for f? I have tried using solve()
>and zeros(). Solve() just tries to rearange the equation for f (not
>possible). Zeros didn't seem to work either.
>BTW, this is the Colebrook eqn, if you are wondering.
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