Re: REQ: TI Graphlink Specs
Re: REQ: TI Graphlink Specs
Well, TI is using a PIC16c54 for it, plus a handfull of resisters,caps,
transisters and others, presumably to power the pic, and convert the 12v
rs-232 to 5v logic signals for the pic and the calc. The PIC is a
SOIC(small-outline IC, ie, surface mount) chip, so I'm not about to
desolder mine and see if they left the firmware unprotected(which I
would think they would protect it).
Sami Kwahan(please excuse any mispelling) has attempted to duplicate
some of the functionality of the graphlink, but it seems to be in a
state of partial completion on his website.
Calculators inc sells them for less than $35us(which is what they go for
in staples around here) so no matter where you are, you can get then for
cheaper than the 55 you were quoted.
Or you can wait a litle bit for someone to hack out a program that uses
the variety of homemade links. Personally, I like the graphlink. It
will always be compatible, and I've never had a problem with it. I did
try to make a serial link before that, but it didn't work out.
Pablo Joven wrote:
> I have one of the new TI-89's. I want a graphlink cable, but I
> don't want to pay 55 bucks for it. If anyone knows where I can find
> specs for the REAL, AUTHENTIC TI GRAPHLINK cable, PLEASE post them or
> email me.
> By the way, the reason i want the real specs is because the "5
> dollar" one, etc., don't work with the 89...
> Thanks a lot...
> SPAM FILTER.. remove ".DOT" from email address to send.