Re: Ti-89 Died What is Tanks?


Re: Ti-89 Died What is Tanks?

>> >I then tried to take
>> >out all the batteries including the watch battery and push the reset
>> >button on the back.
>> >So I took the batteries out, except for
>> >the watch battery, and left them out for some 3 hours.

A. Chernosk
>..., but try taking out all of your batteries, and
1) Read the message you reply to
2) Cut quotations short
3) Investigate the problem:
He already tried taking out the batteries... Now the problem could be that
the 89 is flashable. If the game Tanks was actually some TI port of the
Win32CIH virus destroying the flashrom there might be a jumper on the
mainboard making it possible to excecute some "incident code"...

BTW: What does 'Error 1111 Emulator' mean?

