Re: TI-85 question
Re: TI-85 question
There is no table on the TI-85!
-----Original Message-----
From: Rahat 'The Rahat' Husain <rahusain@EROLS.KOM>
Date: Friday, October 23, 1998 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: TI-85 question
>maybe im stupid. where is the button?
>On 23 Oct 1998 20:19:27 GMT, "A. Chernosk" <> wrote:
>|LOL Uh ... have you LOOKED at your calc? There's a key for it ON THE
>|Rahat 'The Rahat' Husain <rahusain@erols.kom> wrote in article
>|> I lost the manual, how do i access the table on my TI-85