Re: Changing the order of the batteries on turboed calcs.


Re: Changing the order of the batteries on turboed calcs.

Are you intentionally trying to make me laugh?  The batteries are connected
in serial, that is all in a row.  You cannot take power from just one of
them, the power drain is equal across all four.  Furthermore, it's not just
the display that goes faster when you overclock the CPU, it's the whole
Say that the calculator runs with a minimum of 3 volts (I don't know what
it actually is, but it's close).  You start with four 1.5 volt batteries,
for a total of 6 volts.  After a while they get old and are now only puttting
out .74 volts, which isn't enough.  So you put in one new battery.  You now
have (.74*3)+1.5 = 3.72  So the calculator runs a little while longer.

>I dont think you read and / or understood my message.
>If im correct the display only uses 1½ volt, with 4 batteries you get 6
>volt, but you can take the power from only one batterie, then the rest of
>the calc can use all 4 without trouble. But when the display refreshes 4
>times faster the "disp"-battery is getting low 4 times faster, and the disp
>will start to fade. But the 3 remaining batteries is stil 3/4 full. If you
>take a powertest on the 4 batteries you'll discover that only one of them is