Re: Has anybody bought a calc from


Re: Has anybody bought a calc from

I ordered my 89 from them, then Staples got one, so I called calculators
inc to cancel my order, and the reply was, "Well, we'll see what we can
do.  If you get it, just send it back."

I did get it(I now have 2, and am selling it, so it's not a big deal(ie,
won't be hard to sell))
But they sound to me like a family-run operation.  They have a decent
catalog.  Their prices are much lower than anywhere else (staples, after
tax, ti-89 was 159, calcinc, after tax was 139.  20 makes a big
difference in my book!)

But their reliable.  You won't get ripped off, and they are pleasant
enough to deal with.


DaMaStErMiNd wrote:
> I'm a little wary when it comes to online purchases so can anybody tell me
> if has good service?  I'm pretty sure it does, but
> I'd like to be sure.
> thanx!
> --
> ____________________________________________
> "What do you do when you can't find a decent quote?"
