Max variable size on TI89
Max variable size on TI89
I have 2 questions concerning the TI89:
1. Can I archive a variable larger than 64k? The guidebook says that "an
archived variable is stored in a continuos block whithin a _single_
sector; it cannot cross a sector boundary". On the other hand,
phildev@IMAGINET.FR wrote:
> an 32 sectors of 64kb each, accessible individualy for erase,write and
> lock.
> The 26 first sectors are locked and the 6 last are the archive memory > of the 92+ or 89.
2. Can the TI89 operate with such a variable? I tried to generate one
(in order to get an answer to question 1), but I failed ("Memory error",
even if I had about 180k free RAM).
TIA, Sandor