Graphing piecewise functions?
Graphing piecewise functions?
> Hi!
> How do I graph
> x^2 for x<0
> f(x)={
> sqrt(x) for x>=0
> I know you would say y1=(x<0)x^2+(x>=0)sqrt(x) but that does not work
> because sqrt(x) is undefined for negative x values.
> I tried graphing y1=(x<0)x^2 and y2=(x>=0)sqrt(x) but it is not very handy
> and it results in some grim line.
> Suggestions?
> Kasper Vibe Grevsen (remove "remove" when emailing)
On my TI-86, it appears that the BASIC function sqrt() or sqr() does not
exist. When I try to use the function sqrt(), I get the dreaded UNDEFINED
error. Instead I have to use the square root symbol. So your graphing should
work fine with your function amended to :
___ ___
y1=(x<0)x^2+(x>=0)V x where V is the square root sign.