TI-83 ASM programming


TI-83 ASM programming

Hello, I have recently tried my hand at ASM programming on my 83. I have got
the hang of ASM itself, but a couple minor things are giving me a problem.
My problem is when I compile and send the following code (using Chaos and
TASM 3.02 I think) to my calc, the top line of text isn't Joe's Math Prog,
instead it displays something along the lines of Joe's Math Prog ASM A

why is this?
I would appreciate some help, and a direct email reply to me would be really
appreciated. thanx
Joe @ jdudas@uniserve.com

; Progname:ZRUMSEY

#define equ .equ
#define EQU .equ
#define end .end
#include "ti83asm.inc"
#include "tokens.inc"

kEnter equ 05h

 .org     9327h
 xor a
 call _clrLCDfull
 call _runindicoff
 res textwrite,(iy+SGRFLAGS)
 set write_on_graph,(iy+sgrflags)
 ld a,4
 ld (penrow),a
 ld a,17
 ld (pencol),a
 ld hl, Intro1
 call _vputs
 ld a,21
 ld (penrow),a
 ld a,28
 ld (pencol),a
 ld hl, Intro2
 call _vputs
 ld a,49
 ld (penrow),a
 ld a,15
 ld (pencol),a
 ld hl,Intro3
 call _vputs
 ld a,56
 ld (penrow),a
 ld a,45
 ld (pencol),a
 ld hl,Intro4
 call _vputs

 call _getkey
 cp kEnter
 jp z,Fin
 jp Loop
Intro1: .db "Joe's Math Program           ",0
Intro2: .db "ASM Alpha 2",0
Intro3: .db "Hit Enter to Continue",0
Intro4: .db "Or DEL to Exit",0
