Re: question about the 86 and the 89


Re: question about the 86 and the 89

I think it is much easier to use. I started working with calculators
in the mid to late 70's. This calculator is by far the easiest to use.
It's the most powerful I've ever used. For algebra and calculus it
is great. The only drawbacks so far to it are:

1. TI does not have all the link software needed to run a class with yet.
So at this time I would not recommend it for teachers. At our school the
teachers that want to use these calculators in their classes all have Mac's
so we have no plans to use the TI-89 at this time nor even next year for
that matter. In fact some want to continue use the TI-85 and wait and see
if TI is serious about supporting the Mac platform in the future before
making any more changes. We currently require the TI-86 in several classes
but many students use TI-85's and TI-92's.

2. Some teachers do not know what to do with the TI-89.  Much of
what we teach in math is algorithm in nature, too much, I think.
The TI-89 makes obsolete many, but not all of the algorithms we do teach.
What should we be teaching in math classes? What's now important,
what's not? Most teachers want to do what's best for their students.
We just don't  know what's best and we really know how  the TI-89 fits in.

The TI-89 is a better bargain than the TI-86. I paid $140 for my TI-89 and $120
for my TI-86. The TI-89 has some much more to offer for that $20 difference.
It's easier to use, has more memory, a text editor, 3d graphing, symbolic
calculations, and much more.

Good Luck
Gary Wardall

>yeah i know that but is it more difficult to use then the 86
>>yeah, but most teachers dont check your calculator when you walk in the
>>room :)
>>> The biggest difference is the TI-89 does algebraic calculations.
>>> If getting symbolic answers swiftly and correctly are important then a TI-89
>>> is one to use. Some teachers will not allow the TI-89 on tests because
>>> of its algebra capabilities.
>>> Good Luck
>>> G. Wardall
>>> >i have a ti 86 and i want to get a 89
>>> >what i need to know is how different is it to use compared to the 86
>>> >like  is the equation solver simliar or different on the 89
>>> >same with the list, table, etc
>>> >i would appriciate any advice
>>> >
>>> >Thanks,
>>> >Bob