Re: Quick Question!
Re: Quick Question!
It's a lot less complicated if you get the Graph Link software from
and do a File-Open on the *.85p file. With the special TI font that comes
with the program, it lets you see what those characters actually look like.
>I may seem stupid asking this, but I just got my TI-85 graphing calculator
>and I do not have the graph link thing, so I got a game and converted it to
>ascii text with that program from and when I typed it out, (ugg took
>forever.. maybe I should get that graphlink) I always get a syntax error on
>/->/ What is that? Someone told me thats the store key, but then what is
>/>=/ and /<=/ and /(-)/ and /<>/
>are all keys in between the / and / (actually \ and \ but I cant type that
>on calc) keys that are not on a computer so we need to put it in the