Re: Deg-Rad


Re: Deg-Rad

I have a program (2 years old now), called exactly that: DEGRAD. (I don't
pronouce it "Dehg rahd" but "Degrade"... :-D) I'm way too lazy to upload it to
my computer (I only bother with that for PRIME6). However >Frac will not work.
Try using the correct arrow. Go into [2nd] [Catalog] then push the [.] key.
Then scroll down for a bit until you find the right >Frac sign (it's a filled
triangle, not a >).
------  ===>  Website:
PGP keys: ~~~pgp.html Quotes: ~~~quotes.html
"I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of
tyranny over the mind of man" - Thomas Jefferson
