Re: hi
Re: hi and then the calculator guidebooks (PDF format)
Daniel Moraseski
King of irrelevant info
in Orlando, FL (A SPUI has been found at TOLL 4080 (the connector from 408
to 417) and Valencia College Ln!)
originally from Manalapan, NJ (near US 9 and NJ 33) (there will probably
never be a SPUI there)
Shelly-Ann Lotoya Gordon wrote in message
>I own a Ti-81 model calculator my Ti-85 got stolen but I don't have the
>instrumental manual for the Ti-81 and i would like to know where i can get
>one. thanks
- Re: hi
- From: ToddEStan <toddestn@NOSPAM.VISI.COM>
- hi
- From: Shelly-Ann Lotoya Gordon <slg509@MAIL.USASK.CA>