Re: Symbolic math for the Ti 86 ?


Re: Symbolic math for the Ti 86 ?

Libby Krueger skrev i meddelelsen <>...
> ... symbolic processing on a platform like the
>TI-85 would be tough!

Agreed. I don't think it's possible on the 85 - simply too little memory,
but as the sb reads this discussion is about the 86 which has enough memory
to do at least some s/m.

>that implies use of a language such as Lisp, C/C++, Pascal...

Sure, there is a C-port for the ti 8x.

>BASIC ... doesn't directly support the kinds of data structures
>required for symbolic manipulation.

Who talks about BASIC. The code should be written in z80 assembly or C/C+
and it *IS* possible though it would take A LOT of time to do the job -
that's CAS's are so expensive to buy and that's why I think one has not yet
been made for the ti-86 - how many people would buy the original problem?

>Kurt Krueger
