Re: Programming Challenge
Re: Programming Challenge
Yes. 5-10 posts before... Each day over the summer, I have checked with this
newsgroup and they only posts only 5-10 posts while the HP get 50-100
messages. Now this newsgroup just started to kick in because of the TI-89
and school started.
The activeness of a newsgroup does in different ways reflect the quality of
a calculator, because the TI has made TI-80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 89, and 92
calculators. A lot of people should have questions on these calculators.
Plus, the more calculators should mean the more posts right? The Hp
newsgroup has mainly questions pertaining to the Hp48g, gx, s, and sx
series. Only 4 calcs as compared to 8 from TI.
To give you an example, look how old the Hp48 series is... over 10 years
old! The Hp48g is made in 92. There is still many undocumented features of
the Saturn CPU and still many questions on the powerful machine. Now take a
look at the TI-85. 2 months ago, the ticalc mailing list got really slow. No
one had interest in the 85 no more. There was nothing in it to talk about
while the Hp48g is continuously talked about. The only thing the 85 is good
for is the speed. That I have to say. But the quality of it is very poor. On
the HP48gx, you can play games with sound f/x, music, greyscale graphics,
and hold lots of data. Up to 4.12 megs total with the 4 meg ram card. How
about the TI-85? Can it top that? Still I must say the Hp48gx is far more
powerful than a TI calc. Have you ever played WarioHp? A greyscale game
boasting greyscale game play with fast scrolling and tons of levels and
worlds. Specials sound F/X and music. Oh did I mention a new game called
ZeldaHp which looks exactly like the gameboy version. It is planned to take
100 k of space. Why? Because the Hp is more powerful than a TI!
Jonathan Chum
Hp48 F/X -- "Realities begin here"
ICQ # 8740871
Ray Kremer wrote in message ...
>"This newsgroup only had 5-10 posts before"? What is before? This list is
>plenty busy. I don't think the quality or activeness of a newgroup
>on the quality of the calculator, either.
>>Down with the Hps??? Uh you must mean the TIs? I have been tracking down
>>posts in both
>>the Hp48 newsgroup and TI and in my personal opinion, the Hp newsgroup
>>really rocks! The
>>TI newsgroup just started to kick in if you know what I mean. Before their
>>was only 5-10 posts on this newsgroup compared to 70-100 posts on the Hp
>>newsgroup. I don't want to start a flame war or anything, but I think the
>>still have better calcs even though they are a bit slow =(