TI83 semi-successful overclock, changing keyboard timings :)
TI83 semi-successful overclock, changing keyboard timings :)
I just replaced C7 in my TI83, and it is working
well enough for schoolwork, but I get some strange errors here and there.
I used a 10 pF surface mount, and things seem to be anywhere from twice as fast
(galaxian 83) to about 60% faster (graphics several waves in zTrig
The weird part is when I go into solytare or ztetris 1.4, and
sometimes in graphing. The screen looks kinda torn in places, like it was
copied before drawing was complete. It never does the exact same thing
twice in a row, either. Sometimes when I graph, it looks like it is only
using 3/4 the width of the screen, but it is CALCULATED to that size and almost
undistorted, go figure...
Has anyone else encountered similar
My real fun was messing with C6, I tossed a 10
pF in there as well, and loved the results. I now have a more responsive
keyboard and key repeat, and the cursor flashes much much faster to add to the
overall effect :)