Re: New TI Graphlink software for 89
Re: New TI Graphlink software for 89
<<Thank you for the info. However, there still is no mac link software
for the TI-92+ nor TI-89. I doupt there ever will be any.
G. Wardall>>
In all likelyhood there will be one, eventually; It will have an awful
interface(like the 83's), and will never be updated again. Meanwhile the 86
software recently got completely redone to look like a decent Mac application.
Anyone know if those changes are coming to the other versions(particularly the
On another note... Are there any accurate counts as to the # of sales on all
the calcs? i.e. Which model has sold the most, has the 85 sold more than the
82, etc...
And while I'm at it another note... Is there _ever_ going to be a Mac
assembler? CAZ hasn't been updated in months/years, and I'm getting rather
sick of loading VirtualPC to run a PC one.