SNN Subscriber Alert
SNN Subscriber Alert
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SNN Subscriber ALERT - November 11, 1998
All prices are in $ US taken at the close of the market
November 11/98
The last two stocks SNN profiled have been doing very
well and we are providing a brief update of them here today.
NuOncology Labs Inc. (NLAB - OTC BB) has been climbing over
the last three weeks from approx. $ 4.25 on October 19 to a
new high again today of $ 7.875 on good volume. Now that
investors are starting to give NLAB the attention we think
this stock deserves it should continue to react positively.
We expect to have some further news from the company to
report to you soon. For more information on NuOncology Labs
please go to:
Another stock recently profiled in SNN; US Digital Communications
(USDI - OTC BB) has gone from $4.00 the day SNN wrote about the
company (Oct. 26) to $ 5.28 today on heavy volume. Interest in this
company and the new Iridium satellite phone system continues to be
strong. The latest USDI news release (November 9) can be viewed by
typing in the symbol (USDI) at:
Some related sites on the Iridium project and USDI subsidiaries are:
This notice is an 'SNN Subscriber ALERT', our regular issue (SNN #10)
will be going out in the next few days. We expect it to be an exciting
issue so please watch for it. Also beginning with SNN #10 we will
publish our complete 'track record' to date in each issue.
Some of our subscribers have requested CUSIP numbers for
the stocks we profile in SNN. The official numbers for the above
mentioned securities are:
NLAB - NuOncology Labs Inc. - CUSIP # 67057T107
USDI - US Digital Communications Inc. - CUSIP # 90332A107
As a subscriber you acknowledge to have read, and completely
understand our disclaimer. SNN receives a fee from some of
the companies it profiles to disseminate information about them
to the public and the brokerage community. The stocks SNN
profiles are start up companies with no track record and should
be considered a 'high risk' investment. There is a possibility
of losing all or part of your investment if you were to purchase
them. The complete SNN disclaimer can be viewed by going to:
To unsubscribe to this letter please write 'unsubscribe' in
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copyright SNN 1998