Re: Cut this out (was: Re: Ti-89 Died)
Re: Cut this out (was: Re: Ti-89 Died)
Oh, for the love of God.
To Rahat, who started it all, even if Mario89 is responsible for crashing
your 89, it is an isolated incident and cannot be proven. We got the
message, now let it go.
To the rest of you, you just need to be specific about which kind of ROM
you are talking about. PROM, EEPROM, and their kin are made to be
writeable by the user under specific conditions, like upgrades. Real,
actual ROM, by definition, is given a program in the factory and cannot be
changed by the user. I don't see what's so difficult about that.
Sarcasm and typos aside, you already agree on this point, so why the hell
are you still fighting?