Re: New TI-TI link cable ?
Re: New TI-TI link cable ?
Uh, I believe he was alluding to the links that came with the older calcs
such as the ti-82 and the different ones which came with the newer ones such
as the ti-89, which have an extra plastic piece at each end. I've been
wondering the same thing...
Erie wrote:
> uhhh big piece of plastic in the middle?? that one is the TI-GRAPH LINK
> it's old it's the cable to hook it up to the computer.
> Charli wrote:
> >
> > hi,
> > what is the difference between the old cable (to link 2 TI)
> > and the new link cable, with the big piece of plastic in the middle ??.
> > Thanks.
> >
> --
> ---
> -nXt (Erie) Visit my PC at:
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