Re: Is TI-89 useful
Re: Is TI-89 useful
I personally love my 89.
I had an 85 before and It was fine.
The reason I bought it was "Pretty Print". It draws your equations just like
you normally draw them (like on a test, or in a textbook)
I also find the built in factoring and the equation solver very useful (IE:
you enter solver(y=2x,x) and it responds with x=y/2).
It also has like 588KB of ram, so if you want to put programs that do all of
your formulas, you got the space.
I am in Physics and in Pre-Calc.
I could live with my TI85, but I would go back kicking and screaming.
Hope this helps,
-Phil Rosenthal
----- Original Message -----
From: Andrew J Kalafut <ajk22@JUNO.COM>
Sent: Tuesday, November 03, 1998 10:46 PM
Subject: Is TI-89 useful
I'm thinking about getting a TI-89. I am currently a Junior in high
school taking calculus and chemestry. In college I plan on concentrating
on math and sciences. If I get a TI-89 will it still be useful to me in
college, or is it not worth it? What can it do that the 86 can't? Any
response would be appreciated.
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