TI-92 Serial Port, please help


TI-92 Serial Port, please help


I own a TI-92 calculator and I have a hardware project that I wish to
interface to the serial port. My device sends data @ 9600bps, 8 data bits,
1 stop bit (standard port settings). The device (mine) sends TTL level
signals so I do not forsee a problem from a hardware standpoint.

Software...well lemme explain.

I have little experience programming my 92, let alone ASM/ML. I basically
need to take the data from the serial port, convert it to an ASCII
character (that's all the data sent is) and display it in the built in
Text Editor (or a better one if it exists). Codes like
left/right/up/down/shift, etc would be nice too. (I'm sure a lookup table
could be used or something for the ASCII codes).

I would appreciate any responses sent my e-mail, thanks!

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