Re: Specific calc filenews updates....


Re: Specific calc filenews updates....

Thomas J. Hruska wrote:

> How about having multiple filenews mailing lists?  This way, 82 filenews
> users will just receive the 82 portion of the filenews listing.  Even
> better would be to send the calculator owners an e-mail if a single update
> to is made (i.e. 82 ASM people would be notified of new files
> and updates as soon as they are released on
> You could leave the original filenews list in place for those who don't
> want stuff just for their calculators.  Don't complain to me about
> bandwidth.  More bandwidth is wasted reloading to see if new
> files have been added between filenews articles than if such lists existed.
>                  Thomas J. Hruska --
> Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

Having multiple mailing lists instead of just one also takes more memory &
system resources, not to mention a pain the rear end to manage.  What you want
a Amiga, Mac, DOS, Windows, 68k, z80, etc mailing lists too?

Also, sending emails to people _every_ time a file is updated would be very
annoying, filling lots of people's mail boxes with mail.  One email is much
easier and simpler, and better.  Besides, reloading every 5 minutes
gives us more hits. ;-)

Bryan Rabeler <>
   File Archives
   the project -
