The TI-ZINE appears to not have even got off the ground. I wrote my
article, but SWISH97@aol.com seems to have either not gotten enough
articles, is lazy, or just isn't in town. Whatever the case, I am
patiently waiting for a response to my question as to where it is. Those
of you on the TI-ZINE team need to get your acts together and write your
articles if you haven't done so already. I wrote my article within 3 days
of the initial announcement that I was the editor of the programming
section of the TI-ZINE (editors have to write an article too). The reason
I know people haven't written their articles is because the two under me
haven't sent theirs to me to edit (this would mean you: BIOSERRORS -
bioserrors@aol.com and James Matthews - matthews@tkb.att.ne.jp).
Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"