Re: calculator
Re: calculator
Smart teacher?? Serious, all my math teachers barly know that you can make
program, and they can't make one. Trying to explain ASM availability is
nearly impossible, and these people will (probably) not bother if they see
that the program menu is empty. A program that temporarly hides all program
should do.
I am not saying that teachers don't know calcs really good. I'm sure some
teachers do, but the ones I know don't.
biz wrote:
> >Very easily, simply have a pic file of "Mem Cleared" using lowercase
> >where aplicable, and perfectly centered, you can pull it off... in
> >fact, I have ;o) by the way, if anyone is interested or cares, 5x8
> >pixels per letter.
> >- -sean
> Why have a fake mem cleared program?
> Any smart teacher can get around this by having all people exchange
> calculators (if all students are using the same kind, very unlikely) or
> the teacher can go around deleting people's memory if she/he thinks there
> is a cheating problem.
> Plus, Sean, unless you are fooling your friends, why would you want to
> cheat on a test by doing that?
> Later, Biz
> --
> Use address above, but remove SPAM to reply. Thanks. :)
Jack the Klipper
ICQ: 9900377