Re: Favorite Calculator
Re: Favorite Calculator
Andrew Lewis wrote:
> On Fri, 22 May 1998 18:28:32 -0500, Todd Stanley <>
> wrote:
> >I guess I like the 85. Even though I have an 86, I like the 85's speed,
> >and it still has the best games (Orzunoid all the way). I always find
> >myself pulling out my trusty 85 when I need to do something. Also, it
> >isn't nearly as cluttered as my 86 :)
> >
> >Todd
> Most of those 85 games could probably run on your 86 using
> ASE. And ASE can run converted 82 ASM games as well. So probably
> the reason your 86 is so cluttered is because it is 4x as much memory.
I know about ASE, but it's emulation isn't perfect. Orzunoid for Usgard
doesn't work right on the 86 - external levels don't function. You can
still play the built in levels, but I think my own are much funner. I
still enjoy Galaxian on both calculators though, as Galaxian 3.x now
works properly on the 86.
I also realize I like my 85 also because the organization it has. Games
are kept seperate from Basic programs, and don't show up on the PGRM
menu. This unintential feature is kind of nice.
Finally, the 85 is more stable. I rarely ever crash my 85, but as for
my 86 I basically cross my fingers every time I use the TI Advanced
Statistics package.
Don't get me wrong, I like my 86 a lot, and I have to use it in math
class (the 85 statistics are plain clumsy and primitive, and are lacking
in some things I need). I couldn't do without it. But since I have an
86, I don't put the 85 in long term storage and ignore it, like some
people do when they get another graphing calculator. I bet I still use
it 1/3 to 1/2 of the time.
> (guess which one my favorite is?)
Umm, the 86.