Re: TI-BASIC/Calculator Problem
Re: TI-BASIC/Calculator Problem
As far as I can tell it should work fine. If you still don't have any luck
me the program personally. I'll have a look at it and see if I can help.
Philipp Keller
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Wayne <>
Date: 22 May 1998 11:54
Subject: TI-BASIC/Calculator Problem
>I wrote a program for the TI-83 using the graphlink software on my
>I loaded the program into my TI-83 and it works fine. I then copied the
>program to the TI-82's Graphlink software. Replaced some algabra symbols,
>commands, Horiz with Split and spaces after the "Pause" statements. The
>program has some simple algrabra number crunching and simple line
>drawing/split screen
> Here's the problem. The program uses Output statements to display
>infomation. The program displays a bunch of info using these commands on my
>and then it hits "Output (8,10,"[ENTER]")" This command was used previously
>the program without a problem. The calculator tells me ERR:DOMAIN and takes
>to this line. There are no other commands on this line. The next time I run
>the program it gives me this ERR:DOMAIN the very first time it encounters
>"Output" statement. I reset the memory, load the program again from the 82
>graphlink software and run it. It passes through the Output commands until
>hits the same exact line as before that first initiated the error.
> I reset the memory, reload the program, rewrite this line on the
>calculator. It runs until it hits the same line. Then I got a hold of
another TI-82
>calculator -same error, same line of code.
> I don't know what to try next. HELP ...Please.
> -tony
>PS. I need the program to run on the 82 because most of my students have
>I would attach the program but it is big and I didn't want to bog down the