Re: ti-83
Re: ti-83
The question was a bit unclear, but (if I got it right) you can transfer
images to your calc that already
are in calc-pic format. (Get these from th-philes or
You can also convert a bmp image to calc image with a special program.
(also get from ti-philes and ticalc org.) And you can find a program
that coverts other pictures to bmp and then calc, so the only limits are
Hope this helps.
Julian wrote:
> holley wrote:
> > what pics can you put on the cal.
> What do you mean?
> --
> - Julian (AKA Trevelyan), ICQ UIN: 1946065
Jack the Klipper
"I'm back"
ICQ: 9900377
- ti-83
- From: holley <holley@TOAD.NET>
- Re: ti-83
- From: Julian <julian63@GEOCITIES.COM>