Re: TI-82


Re: TI-82

> Date:          Wed, 6 May 1998 15:43:24 -0400
> Reply-to:
> From:          handyman <handyman@GATEWAY.NET>
> Subject:       TI-82
> To:            CALC-TI@LISTS.PPP.TI.COM

> Hey got a question I have a ti-82 and I am trying to type in a game from
> the internet SNAKE but it asks for a \ but I no the button for / the
> divison sign is there another symbol on my caculator.  Same thing for this
> * and  - > and an 0 which a half circle in it is it on my caculator? please
> wrie back I need some help.
First things first.   -> means the store command, which shows on the
keypad as STO.   this (*) means times or multiply.   as for this \
they use it to seperate commands.  As for the O with the half circle
in it, I think you mean a little thing called "theta" it is a real
variable, you get it by using the [alpha] key on the keypad, and then
pushing [3] on the keypad.
That should clear things up a bit.  BTW try downloading
TI-GRAPHLINK82 onto your comp. then you can just print the .82p files
with all the correct symbols and commands and no extra stuff.
