Re: could use some help. . .
Re: could use some help. . .
It's probably still working, just needs the CONTRAST upped a bit (that gets
wiped too =) And battaries can take a beating on those thing -- I've
accidentally left it in ZTetris many, many times =)
Kevin Goodsell wrote in message <>...
>Okay, I know that everywhere it says anything about the Self Test screen
>([2nd][MODE][ALPHA][s]) it says NOT to push enter. My curiosity got the
>best of me. Of course there was nothing important saved on the calc, but
>now it won't even turn on. I assumed this would only erase the RAM, and
>I suppose it may just be that the batteries are dead (my sister left it
>on for several hours today, paused in a ZTetris game).
>Can anyone tell me exactly what the self test does? What happens if it
>is interupted before it is complete (my sister got impatient)?