Re: Graphlink and Win95/NT 4.0


Re: Graphlink and Win95/NT 4.0

Robert M. Lombardi II <> wrote in article
: Hello!
: ...spiffy Graph-Link cable
: doesn't seem to work
: ...Graph-Link reports a communications error!
: Any thoughts or wisdom!?
: Bob

Establishing a link requires a little timing.  You only have a couple of
seconds to synchronize.  Set the receiving end first, then the sending end.

To test the cable:

1. Get into Graph-Link
2. Turn the calc on, and plug in the link cable
3. Punch in some numbers on the calc screen.
4. In Graph-Link on the menu, click on "Link", then on "Get LCD from TI-??"
and then on "Clipboard"
5. Click Receive.

If you get the numbers from the calc, the cable is O.K.

If that doesn't work, you might check under the link menu to see which COM
port is selected.  Make sure that this is correct.  It doesn't
auto-configure itself, so if you're not using COM1 and you didn't set it,
it's wrong.
