TI86EMU Version .6
TI86EMU Version .6
-Matt Johnson has created a homepage for TI86EMU, its on a link off his
-Around a 20% speed improvement.
-New file type: .85S, a very important addition as it allows most TI85
USGARD, and other programs to run using ASE (ASE is a shell program for
TI86 by Bill Nagel that lists and runs TI85 and TI86 programs. TI86EMU has
been tested and works with ASE 1.3.
-TI86EMU is now a TI85/86 emulator, but will still be called TI86EMU,
see section on 85 emulation. There is no file loading support for TI85
-Memory address trap. You can set an address to trap and any access to that
memory location will pause z80 execution and allow debugging
-Lower resident memory requirement and executable size
-Virtual keypad "always on top"
-TI86EMU Always on top when in run mode.
-Fixed a variable loading bug that in some rare cases, could corrupt memory
when loading a variable
-Default foreground color now ink blue
-Added "." key
-Added "^(shift-6)" key
-Can dump virtual or z80 address space
-Numeric entry default either hex or decimal
-Search form can stay open while you do other things
-"Frame skip options" draws only every other frame, this speeds up TI86EMU
by a fair amount while adding a slight amount of choppyness (unnoticable
in most games)
Get this at:
http://www.ticalc.org OR