Well, this is a welcome suprise. I wrote the text on how to accelerate
the TI-85 about two years ago. I haven't had much response for about a
year, and now I'm getting a lot of e-mails about it from this list. It
seems the instructions that I gave are a bit sketchy. I will redo them
and have tham available in about a week. I now have a new e-mail
address also if anyone wants to send me mail directly:
Here are a few general answers for the list:
1. The battery drain is NOT very significant. I have timed the drain
with two new sets of batteries running one set in turbo mode and the
other in normal mode. The Turbo mode died about 45 minutes before the
other with the calculators running a simple BASIC timer loop program.
2. If you follow my plans, the calulator will run at about 3 times the
speed of normal in turbo mode. NOTE: Some Z-Shell programs are
unplayable at the higher speeds so be sure to use the switch so you can
turn it off.
3. Some have questioned the life expectancy of the TI-85 itself while
in Turbo mode. The speed acceleration of the calulator has not caused
any adverse affects to mine (I have done this 3 times now) and it has
been running like this for over two years. NOTE: Use ONLY THE
RECOMMENDED Capacitor sizes. If you accelerate it two much you will
overheat the Z-80 processor and get calculation errors and adverse side
As always, if you do this to your calculator, you are doing it at your
own risk. I take no responsibilty for damage you may cause the
calculator. I will answer any and ALL questions you send me, so ask
away before you hack away.