Re: mysterious numbers
Re: mysterious numbers
I believe he was talking about real numbers, but you are correct.
>From: Tram[SMTP:tram@HUMBOLDT10.COM]
>Reply To:
>Sent: Thursday, March 19, 1998 6:52 PM
>Subject: Re: mysterious numbers
>>unless you mean the cos and sin part...
>>thats sort of based on pi so it really shouldnt count... As for i think
>>about it.. a number that by definition cannot exist.. since no square can
>>ever equal a negative,
>Sure they can. (2i)^2=-4 (3i)^2=-9, I'm sure you see my drift.
>There's an infinite number of squares that equal a negative number.
>Numbers times the square root of -1, (i) are of the form x*i and they
>are called imaginary numbers.
>If you think about it, does any number "exist"? They whole number
>idea and all that comes from it is just an invention of humans. They
>are just ideas, symbols, not something that has material form, like a
>tree, cat, or houseboat.
>Remove the 0 from address to reply.