Re: Help with some code please ...
Re: Help with some code please ...
Hello again. No one has responede to my plea for heal so far so I thought
I'd send it again. I really do need help in this matter and will be very
grateful of any help received.
In order to bribe you all, I am designing a parallel interface for the ti-85
(would work with ti82 .. etc) for fast transfer of data, + a new ZShell
compatible shell which supports device drivers using the link port, and
especially the I2C protocol for memory expansion, I/O and probably anything
else you could think of.
Hope the bribe helps. the link should cost around #10. You'll have to buy
the programmed chips from me or find someone ewlse with a Arizona Microchip
PIC programmer.
Jon Baker wrote in message
>Hi all.
>I've been programming assembly on computers for nearly 10 years and it's
>until now that I've ever experienced a chip so obscure as the Z80. Im used
>the 68xx(x) series where you can actually do normal operations on all of
>Anyway. Im a hardware person on the TI-85 and I use C for programs.
>I have a pointer to block of memory (say P)
>and a variable initialised to 255 (say A)
>I want to do this (in pseudo code)
>P=start of block
>A=A XOR [P]
>IF P <= end of block goto loop
>I've tried writing this but I cant compare a 16 bit number with the address
>of the end of the block.
>Help please. ! It will look good in the end