Re: Why Ti 80 etc. ?


Re: Why Ti 80 etc. ?

Nathan Ernst wrote:

> It has to do with the processor the 8x series of calculators use.  the
> 82,83,85 & 86 all use the z80 microprocessor.  Whether or not that is the
> case, I'm not sure.  I'm not sure if the 89 will use Zilog's z80 or
> Motorola's chip.  But, I would almost bet money that's why.  The 73 may just
> be placed lower to illustrate that it is not meant to be a better calc, and
> probably is not a better calc than most of the 8x series.
> NE

The TI-8x series are all in a vertical format and the TI-9x are horizontal (more
or less).  The TI-89 will use the Motorola 68000 chip, same as the 92.
