Re: Numerology


Re: Numerology

I like those theories.

>From:  rsenzer@PRIMENET.COM[SMTP:rsenzer@PRIMENET.COM]
>Reply To:      rsenzer@PRIMENET.COM
>Sent:  Wednesday, March 18, 1998 12:44 AM
>Subject:       Numerology
>It probably has something to do with the following mathematical relationship,
>86 < 89 < 92.
>There are other possibilities such as
>86 + 3 = 89 and 89 + 3 = 92.
>Maybe they consider it halfway between the 86 and the 92.
>Maybe they expect the DOW to reach 8900 by the time it is released.
>Maybe it's because it has the case of an 8x calculator with the power of a 9x
>Maybe it's because if you turn 68000 upside down, you get 00089.
>It certainly is confusing.
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