Re: Which to buy, TI-86 or TI-92?


Re: Which to buy, TI-86 or TI-92?

On Wed, 18 Mar 1998 06:00:30 GMT,
(Dean) wrote:

>I am in the proccess of persuading my employer to equipt me with a
>TI-92.  At this point I'm assuming the TI-92 is the more useful of the
>two.  Unfortunatly the specs indicate that the TI-92 lacks Physical
>Constants, Metric and English Conversions, and Interative Equation
>Solver.  The first two features are self explainitory.  My question is
>how useful is the Equation Solver and does the TI-92 make up for it
>with other features?  Any advice or input would be apreciated.
>(remove "removethisfirst" from Email address to reply)

There are no built in constants, but of course they can be stored as
locked variables.  A unit conversion program is available.  No
interactive equation solver, but a great symbolic algebra and
calculus,  that will solve anything short of differential equations.
It's not interactive, but in any environment outside a math class, who
cares?  And the plus module coming out anytime or the 89 in the fall,
looks like they will have all of the above.
Remove the 0 from address to reply.
