Re: Convert from TI83 to TI82
Re: Convert from TI83 to TI82
Sending programs from the TI-83 to the TI-82 can be a bit involved. I have had
success with the following method.
Open the TI-82 link program on a PC and open a new program.
Open the TI-83 link program on the PC and save the TI-83 program on the PC.
Open the program.83p file, highlight and copy the program.
Paste the program into the TI-82 program space.
Attempt to save the program in the TI-82 link.
You will need to correct all indicated errors. There may be none, a few, or
Do not worry about the colons at the beginning of the lines. The link software
will put them there.
When the 82.p program is successfully saved, transfer it to the TI-82.
Execute and check the program. Further error corrections may need to be made.
The order of operations is different between the 82 and 83.
Hope this helps.
Ben Sultenfuss <>
Stephen F. Austin State University
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
1936 North Street, PO Box 13040, SFA Station
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-----Original Message-----
Date: Monday, March 16, 1998 20:10
Subject: Convert from TI83 to TI82
>I wrote a program for the TI-83 to do the laws of sine and cosine.
>Is there a way for me to save it as a TI-82 file for my two students using
>Mary Walz
>Sauk Prairie High School
>Prairie du Sac WI 53578