Re: TI-92 Plus, TI-92 II, Fargo, and 68K processor
Re: TI-92 Plus, TI-92 II, Fargo, and 68K processor
It could be sped up if the TI-OS were optimized in slow areas such as
3D-graphing, but speed isn't alisted feature, so I doubt it.
>From: Ray Kremer[SMTP:rkremer@BRADLEY.EDU]
>Reply To: Ray Kremer
>Sent: Saturday, March 14, 1998 9:36 AM
>Subject: Re: TI-92 Plus, TI-92 II, Fargo, and 68K processor
>Speed. I doubt it, most likely the same speed, since only the ROM is
>changed, not the processor. But since the Plus Module isn't even out yet,
>we can't say for sure.
>ASM. Won't be compatible with Fargo, but I'd bet on a new version of
>Fargo that will be compatible. Remember how fast ASE brought ZShell
>support to the 86?
>89. Concidering it runs the same software, I'd be surprised if it didn't
>have the same CPU.
>>Okay, I've been out of the TI-92 loop for awhile. I understand that the
>>new upgrade pack will be released in the US. I have many questions
>>about it, though. First, will it actually speed up normal calculator
>>operation, i.e. programs, scrolling, etc. If so, how much? Second, I saw
>>on the TI site that it will have built-in assembly programming like the
>>TI-86 and 83. Is this compatible with Fargo? Will a version of fargo
>>be available for the '92 plus? Lastly, I noticed the new '89. It looks
>>great and makes me wonder why I paid $170 for the '92 and will pay and
>>additional $80 for the module. Is the Motorola 68000 the CPU for the
>>'89 also?
>>Assuming you could make any sense of the above noise, any answers to
>>these questions would be greatly appreciated.