Re: TI : suggestion
Re: TI : suggestion
I have 3 comments on that...
1) There is a feedback form at for suggestions
2) people from TI barely ever look at this list (to my knowledge)
3) by now, I'm sure they have already finished the design stage and they are
no longer deciding on more features to add. They probably wouldn't have
announced it until they were almost done.
Other than that, the idea sounds interesting and might be a nice addition to
TI's NEXT calculator model.
Adam Berlinsky-Schine
At 12:13 PM 3/14/98 -0800, you wrote:
>i'm sorry to disturbe everyone on this list but i don't know ti's
>suggestion email add
>for the upcoming calculator the ti89
>how about memory we can plug in more memory...(internal)
>how about an ir port? (internal)
>a male link port.(sorta like a double inverted nipple) because often the
>female link port on the old ti graphing calculator breaks often
> |
>_____|_____|_____| <~~ link port
> |
> | <~~ case
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