Re: How come the link port freezes?


Re: How come the link port freezes?

Not sure, but maybe because there is 2 ends at the bottom.

>From:  Chris A Brainerd[SMTP:dj_ramen@JUNO.COM]
>Reply To:      Chris A Brainerd
>Sent:  Saturday, March 14, 1998 7:50 AM
>Subject:       How come the link port freezes?
>As you've all probably seen, I'm working on a memory expander. I'm trying
>to use the linkport in 83 asm, but it keeps freezing, even when I copied
>the code right off of TI's site. Heres the code, any ideas? Maybe I'm
>missing something obvious...
>I'm, like, a product, OK, of american, you know, education, all right?
>#define EQU .equ
>#define end .end
>#include ""
>#include ""
>.org 9327h
>        call _clrLCDFull
>        call _homeup
>        ld hl,begintext
>        call _puts
>        call _newline
>        call _getkey    ;after it gets past here it freezes
>        LD      A,D0HD1H        ;copied out off TI's site
>        OUT     (BPORT),A
>        ld hl,twohightext
>        call _puts
>        call _newline
>        call _getkey
>        LD      A,D0LD1H
>        OUT     (BPORT),A    ; is used for setting D0 low, D1 high
>        ld hl,lowtext
>        call _puts
>        call _newline
>        call _getkey
>.db "Nada",0
>.db "2 High",0
>.db "Both low",0
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